@Weasfas I figured out why the `tf_tree` was broken. I wasn't aware that the gazebo node published to the topic `/monsterborg/joint_states` and the whole time the `robot_state_publisher` node was subscribing to the topic `/joint_states`. All I had to do was uncomment the remapping in the launch file,`remap from="/joint_states" to="/monsterborg/joint_states` ,which I originally commented as I thought it was only a remapping done for convenience rather then necessity. Now the model is simulated in both Rviz and Gazebo however, the model moves around in Gazebo while in Rviz it moves on the spot. The coordinate frames of the wheels are moving in Rviz but the model itself is stationary (If that makes sense). I'm going to try figure out how to simulate complete movement from Gazebo to Rviz as I need that for navigation purposes. Once again thank you for your help!